Liquid Hauling Equipment : Fabritanks
The flexible alternative for hauling non hazardous and approved hazardous materials.
FABRITANKS are a strong, safe, puncture-resistant, multi-ply fabric tire cord supported rubber tank…very similar in construction to vehicle tires. Operating service temperatures range from -30°F to 105°F.
- Latex Paint
- Liquid Latex
- Water
- Phenol Formaldahyde Resin
- Urea Formaldahyde Resin
- Roofing Slurry
- Plywood Glue
- Fruit Juices
- Lubricating Oils
- Styrene Polymer
FABRITANKS are closed at each end with flexible end clamps. The construction is spiral wrapped to allows the tank to resemble a flexible spiral column. This allows the tank to provide an even distribution of the load and stress during transportation.
FABRITANKS are loaded under pressure which loads the tank walls to make them almost rigid, eliminating surge when hauling. FABRITANKS are pressurized from 3 to 7.5 PSI with the lading…this leaves no air space, eliminating the drying of the product in transit.
At the point of delivery FABRITANKS can be unloaded by gravity or pumped out. The empty tank is then rolled up forcing all of the remaining product out.
Fabritank Specifications
Fabritank Accessories
Filler Valves
Cover Tarps
Screw Plugs